Friday, September 24, 2010

Preliminary Task

Our objectives for the continuity task was to film an somebody walk in to a room, show them having a conversation with another actor by using shot reverse shot and exit using a match on action. I think myself and Laura managed to do this well.
In my group we discussed what the preliminary task would be about and once we had decided we completed a story board, we then began disussing the different locations. We thought about filming outside on the field however it wasnt very well lit, so we choose to film inside the school because it was very lit and we were able to walk out to the playground.
Myself and Wendy acted in the film whilst laura operated the camera, i feel Laura did a very good job at using the camera and showed the shot reverse shot well, and the match on action was very good. I feel Laura learnt some good skills and i also assisted her when it came to some of the decisions.
After filming the preliminary task one of our group members left, so when moving on to the main task we had to think more throughly as we only had two members in our group and we also had to edit it with just the two of us.
So myself and Laura edited the film and we did it fairly well, however it was slightly jumpy as we used windows movie maker and we were unable to cut parts down as much as we wanted and this made it jump between shots.
If we could redo this task i would:
1. Ensure I use pinicle to edit the footage so that there are smoother cuts.
2. Used better planning and choose a better script
3. Developed the story board further

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