Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Research: What makes an affective opening to a film

To make an effective opening to a film it should include a range of Micro and Macro features. Micro features include; camera, lighting, sound and editing. For example to make an effective opening to a horror film it would include dark lighting and low camera angles to give and idea about the genre. Macro features are genre features for example; Setting, Iconography, Themes, Characters and narrative features. So horror iconography would be items such as knives and masks and the setting for a horror film would be somewhere very isolated and run down to show that it is a horror film. 

So as shown in this picture it is clear that this is an element of a horror film and this makes it clear to an audience the genre of there film.

I think these aspects are very important to show in the opening sequence as it helps to she the audience the genre and give them an idea what the film is about. 
It is also important to show a hook in the opening sequence to keep the audience interested and make them want to keep watching.

 I am going to look into different film openings to see what makes them effective.  

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