Friday, December 17, 2010

Evaluation: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our horror film represents family and also shows a teenager to be the protagonist. A lot of films such as ‘One Day’ show teenagers in a bad way and over exaggerate their behaviour, films like this show a lot of gun crime and gang wars. As a group we decided this isn’t something we wanted to do and the two main antagonists in the film are in fact older than teenagers and the teenager is the antagonist.
We didn’t focus strongly on the representation of social class however the two antagonists are representing their social class badly as they are violent within the opening scene. I also think because our characters are quite realistic and there isn’t any character in there that could be said to be unrealistic it helps the audience to identify with the characters and be taken through the story with them, they may even imagine what they would do if it was them.
There are a few improvements that could be made looking back at the film and I believe that because we are showing ‘a human monster’ we could have shown more background to the antagonist and shown how they became that way, which often happens in horror films and in a way it helps the audience create a connection with the antagonist and this brings them in to the film.
It could also be said that the two antagonists are like ‘Chavs’ as the one has his hood up and they are both talking quite commonly and this is a representation of a social group as it shows that anybody that dressed in this way is bad and will be causing trouble.

This is the film trailer for the film 'One Day' and it shows how the young teenagers are shown to be chavs and anti-socail and this is something we wanted to move away from and we chose to show the teenagers in a good way, and the older antagonists are shown in a negative way.

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