Friday, December 17, 2010

Evaluation: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From this process I feel I have learnt a lot about the different technologies, I feel I have progressed with my camera skills and also my editing skills.

I have developed my skills greatly on the editing programme Pinnacle and can now edit the films to a high standard. I have been able to cut down clips add in transitions, add sound and title overlays and create the opening credits.
The editing is a key part to show the genre of the film and by adding in music we have helped to create tension at extremely significant parts in the opening sequence and this is down to the editing process. It also enabled us to create the right transitions between clips so the tension continued throughout. Another important part was the continuity as we wanted to draw the audience in and through the editing we were able to have a smooth continuity so the audience would not be disappointed.

Using a tripod is also something we found very important within the filming process as it is important that the filming looks as professional as possible and, unless it done intentionally, having a shaky shot gives the film a very amateur feel.

The process has also helped me to realise that choosing the right camera angle is extremely important as they help to build up the tension and create drama. So it is important to use close-ups to show fear and worry and horror iconography. Long shots are also important as they show the location and the different things that are happening. We used a panning shot to show the room which had been trashed and this was a great way to show the horror iconography that we had used. We were then able to add some tense music when editing and by using all of these new skills with the technologies we were able to bring our film together and create a professional final product.  

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