Friday, December 17, 2010

Evaluation: In What way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In What way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our media product which is an opening sequence to a horror film does follow the traditional conventions of horror films. We have used a ‘human monster’ and this is used a lot with in horror films such as ‘Halloween.’ Although we are showing two antagonists in the opening sequence it still allows the audience to question different aspects of it; for example has anyone sent them to kidnap the two people or why are they at the house or why haven’t they hidden their identity more. This is something which happens a lot in horror films and audiences are left questioning the opening sequence and this makes them want to continue watching and this was something we wanted to achieve.

The iconography we used within the opening sequence does follow the traditional horror conventions as the location of the kidnappers was in an old garage and it shows the two on their own in the garage initially. However we progressed on to show how the garage was close to the house in which they lived and this could help the audience relate to it. This is something that happens a lot within horror films and they try to reach the audiences own fears and this again is what we wanted to do. Also because we showed the inside of the house and some of the street outside we was able to show how the film was British as it was clears the houses were British and also when the antagonists speak they have a British accent.
   However we did also challenge traditional horror conventions as our two antagonists we dressed quite simply and were just wearing dark clothing and only one of the two have their face covered, this again leaves the audience questioning what is happening and we wanted them to almost get to know the antagonists to keep the questioning what is going on in their minds and what is making them do this. This isn’t something which normally happens in horror films as they normally use costumes that hide the identities of the antagonists.

We used the theme of ‘Good vs. Evil’ which is almost always present within horror films and this is something we thought we would follow as everyone in the audience can identify with it. The two people that had been kidnapped where parents and the main antagonist was their daughter and by using a teenage daughter and parents we will be able to target a wider audience. We have also used the final girl theory something which is often shown in the horror genre. The two people that are kidnapped are White and this is something which goes against traditional horror conventions as a large majority of monster fodders are actually of ethnic minority.

The camera angles we have used within the opening sequence do follow traditional horror conventions as we have used shots such as; medium shot, close-up and high angle. Our editing also follows the same conventions as we have used cuts and fades between the different shots.
The music we have used though does follow media conventions as it is there to help increase the tension and the music starts at the most tense part. This is something which a lot of horror films do as music adds to the mood when watching a horror film. The music is non-diegetic and parallel with the action.

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