Friday, October 8, 2010

Research: Effective Film Opening Case Study 2- Casino Royale

Micro Features

The opening credits for Casino Royale, where we see the MGM logo are in black and white and this is to show that the company has been rebooted and taken back to when it first started.
The scene opens with a long establishing shot to show the audience where the film is set and we also see a ditch angle (Slanted) which gives the idea of madness of insanity. Non- digetic music is then heard and this gives a sinister effect and helps to build up tension and this goes along side the clock which is counting down again helping to create tension.
Durring a fight scene a hand held camera effect is used and this makes the audience feel involved in the fight as it is very shaky. 
We then hear the theme music and the trade mark image is shown; of Bond looking down the barrell of a gun and there is then the digetic sound of a gun shot.

(Print Screen taken from Youtube)

When the opening credits are shown we see spades and clubs to represent the Casino in the title.
It shows side lighting when introducing the character and this leaves an element of mystery and shows that he is a bad character.

Macro Features

To help with the narrative we see text at the bottom left of the screen and this says where the opening sequence is set.
It falls under the genre of a spy film and this portrayed in the opening through the use of guns and the protagonist is wearing a suit. The theme is also shown through the first two killings that Bond makes and this helps to portray this to the audience. 
The setting of the film shows to different aspects of the spy genre one being a dirty bathroom and the other is a very posh board room and this is something that shows the glamorous side and the reality.  

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