Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sub Genres and Hybrids

Within a film genre there is normally a sub genre which is more specific to what the film is about. For example within a horror film there is the sub genres; slasher, psycological horror, vampires and splater films.
A Splatter film is a film in which there is alot of blood and gore, Slasher usually shows the antagonist with a knife as his weapon, vampire horrors focus around vampires and psycological is about a disturbed human.

A Hybrid film is where two genres of films are put together for example in the film 'Shaun of the Dead' they put horror and comedy together to make the film.

The Shaun of the Dead trailer is the perfect example of a Hybrid film as it shows both comedy and horror.
For my horror film i have chosen to do a psycological film as it shows a human killer.

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